Friday, March 5, 2010

Appreciating the Kindness of Others

Think about someone that has been of help to me sometime in my life. Write about this helpful act and the person that performed it in my gratitude journal.

Update: I thought about an incident that happened when I was 17. It involved an argument with my parents about me going to college. They only wanted me to go to the college in town. I remember my brother, age 19, reminding them that I was really smart and I could be anything I wanted to be. He argued for me to be able to go to away to school (1 hour from home). He was my champion and my protector. It was the two of us against the world, or at least our parents. I hadn't thought about our close relationship as we grew up, in a very long time. I am grateful and thankful for my brother and how he supported me. I am truly blessed.

I liked this memory and will redo this exercise periodically. It was really great to recall something so pleasant from such a tumultuous time in my life. Ah, the teenage years.

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