Monday, May 31, 2010

On The Path To Being A Better Person

Take being gracious, grateful, positive and kind a day at a time. If I mess up, I'll acknowledge it and continue on my journey.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Without Preconceptions

Open my heart and mind to what others have to say. I may learn something new or it may even challenge my way of thinking.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I will do 1 thing to simplify my life.

Here are some ideas I came up with: Declutter, hang out in my safe space for 10 minutes, practice the power of no. Let go of the magazine and/or newspaper subscriptions that I do not have time to read. Turn off my cell phone when I am trying to get centered. Set up automatic payment of at least 1 bill. Go paperless with at least one bill or statement. Tune out the news on some days. Unsubscibe to email lists.

Friday, May 28, 2010

No Thank You

If someone asks me to do something I just don't have the time or the passion for, I'm going to use the power of no. Now that I have written my values and wishes lists, it will be easier for me to make choices on how to spend my time. I've done a lot of volunteer work over the years. Some of it has been for my children's sports, clubs, school or other activities and I would still do that so that I can do my part for the good of the organization. Others have been for things I was passionate about, but I've also done my share of volunteering simply because I was asked. Now I will be more intentional about how I spend my time.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Go Away Stress

Make one change that will cut out some stress from my life. For example, I could alter my work's start and/or end time to avoid major traffic jams. Cut back on listening/reading the news. For many people, money issues are a major cause of stress so setting up an automatic contribution to a 401K or an IRA might be helpful.

Figure out what is causing me stress and take some action to alleviate this from my life.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 100 – Be Reflective

Gratitude is about appreciating all that I have in my life: all the people, opportunities and comforts. It is, for me, looking at the good and realizing that I have an amazing life. It is about helping me be more positive, grateful, graceful and kind. It is also about letting others negativity and unkindness go and realizing that it is about them and what is going on in their lives. This has been extremely helpful with accepting others lack of grace and more importantly, my reaction to this behavior.

Take the time to be reflective.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Make Time For Myself

I must make time for myself, my physical and mental health, because that is when I'm at my best. Be kind to me.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thoughts Of Gratitude

Replace your negative thoughts with thoughts of gratitude. Instead of thinking about how someone was dismissive of your idea, think about how grateful you are that you treat people with the dignity and appreciation that they deserve. Appreciate that you value others ideas and that you are a role model of graciousness.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Still Not About Me

Recognize the people in your life that may do things that appear mean, dismissive, insulting, or thoughtless. Realize that this behavior is about them and not you. You know how to react to life situations in a thoughtful, respectful manner, but not everyone does. We can control our responses to life and situations that we are put in, but we really can't control others behaviors.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let Go Of Sarcasm

I have found that sarcasm is not flattering to myself and is not taken as witty by many others. Let it go from my repertoire of comebacks. This, I believe, is a wonderful way to add more grace to my daily living.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Aware Of Others Feelings

When someone would say something like, “I don't like my body.”, I used to respond with a complement about their body. I felt that people are their own worst critic and generally they can't see their own beauty. Now I'm thinking I was being dismissive with their feelings. I'm going to practice not being dismissive and instead ask something like, “Really, I don't see it, but what change would you like to make in your body?” Or simply, “Really, what change would you like to make in your body?”

Thursday, May 20, 2010

You Are Special

Tell someone why they are special to you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Go On The Offensive

From this process, I'm more tuned in to when people are impatient with me or others around me. Others seem more comfortable criticizing me. As this has not happened before, I'm curious as to why this is occurring. What am I projecting differently?

Instead of being defensive, I'll try being sympathetic.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Practicing Gratitude

If you have people in your life you love, let them know everyday that you love them. Telling my children everyday that I love them was a great habit to get into. Now I tell them every time I talk to them on the phone, or text it to them or say it in email. Love you guys.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gracious Role Model

Be a role model of graciousness: compassionate, kind, courteous.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yes I Can

Be the most positive person in the room.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wishes. Dreams. Goals.

Write a wishes list. Write as many entries as possible. Try to write at least 20 wishes. Four years ago I did this exercise.. When I am done writing my list, I'm going to find my old list and see if any of it has happened and what was important to me then.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Values. What Values?

Write down what is important to me in my life. What are my values?: accomplishment, adventure, challenge, commitment, community, family, fame, fortune/wealth, freedom, friendship, harmony, honesty, independence, inner peace, integrity, intelligence, justice, leadership, love, loyalty, power, recognition, recreation, spirituality, success, trust, wisdom. I'm only going to list 5 – 10 values. For more value ideas, there are lots of websites to visit with values lists that are over 300 long.

My goal is to live my life with these priorities/values in mind. This will help me to make choices that are in line with my values.

Update: My top 6 values are: Family, Freedom, Love, Success, Health, Gratitude, at least for today. I reserve the right to change these as I think about my priorities, goals and dreams.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Needing A Little TLC

I've been sick all week and am really getting tired of feeling like this. I need to laugh. I'll watch a sitcom or a funny movie to make myself feel happy and more positive.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Grateful Living

Write for 10 minutes non stop on what I am grateful for in my gratitude journal.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Be Hopeful

Even when others are lobbing pessimism in my direction, I will remain hopeful. I believe I've written this before, that I cannot control others actions, but I can control my response to their actions. I choose hope.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Quiet My Critical/Judgmental Mind

I've heard people say that you never know what is going on in another person's life or what others have been through. For that reason, today is a great day to not be judgmental. Hopefully, this will also help me remember to not take things personally.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Appreciating My Life

Write a list of 5 things I like about my life in my gratitude journal.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Forgive Myself

If I make a mistake, I'll apologize and even if others do not accept it, I'll move on. It's important that I learn from my mistake, try not to repeat it, try to make it better and then let it go.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm Worth It

Go outside and take a walk. Even if it is for 10 minutes, I need to soak up some sunshine, breathe in the fresh air and a have a few minutes of me time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Be Kind To Myself

Be kind to myself. When I blow a diet, stop walking, skip working out with weights, forget for a week or 2 or 3 to do daily meditation or whatever I'm into at the moment, I will adopt a who cares attitude, forgive myself and start again. Better yet, I'll change my expectations to be more realistic for me and my life at that moment.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Being Generous With Our Words

Pay 5 people complements today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Intentional Gratitude

There is so much to be grateful for in my life. The previous activity reminded me how 3 people helped me in my life. I'd like to expand on this activity with intentionally looking for how others are kind and helpful to me. I'll notice if someone opens a door for me, gets something off a shelf for me, brings me a napkin, pen, my printouts from the printer or any other minor or major act of kindness or helpfulness. I would imagine that most acts of kindness I am the recipient of would be considered minor acts. So what. In opening up my eyes to all acts of kindness, I hope to more appreciative and grateful of others and become kinder myself. At the end of my day, I will write these acts of kindness in my gratitude journal.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Appreciating a Helpful Hand

Write a list in my gratitude journal of 3 people that have previously helped me and how they helped me.

Update: It was really wonderful remembering acts of helpfulness and kindness bestowed on me. This activity will be repeated again in the future.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Joyous Living

Focus on what I have rather than what I don't have.

Update: Okay, I'm getting it now. I have a lot. As my husband would say, “Quit your complaining.” Though, old habits are hard to break.