Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Feel Of Spring

My favorite touch sensation in spring is the welcoming, warm spring air against my skin and the feel of the warm breeze blowing in through an open window. I also enjoy the way the cool earth feels in my hands as I work the soil. I love the feel of the soft, new growth on the bushes and trees in my yard. It also is great to feel a light jacket on after months of wearing heavy, bulky coats. I love the warm spring days.

There is so much to be thankful for everyday. I am grateful to have taken the time to recall the sights, sounds, feel, smells, and taste of spring. This is a glorious season with the awakening of vegetation, baby animals arrival and the anticipation of longer days to enjoy the warmth of spring.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hearing Spring

Some of my favorite spring sounds include children's laughter as they run through rain puddles, jump rope and play hopscotch. I love listening to the sound of children honking their bicycle horns, robins singing, and blue jays cackling their territorial song. Another favorite is the whack of a ball as it makes contact with a bat and the cheers from the fans in the stands. Now that's springtime.

I will record the sounds of spring will be recorded in my gratitude journal.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Scents

There is nothing so sweet smelling to me as the very, fragrant smell of a hyacinth, and lets not forget the fragrance of a lilac in bloom. The smell of sweetness coming from a candy filled Easter basket has my mouth watering.

I will write in my gratitude journal all the wonderful smells associated with spring. I hope to add to it throughout the season.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Taste of Spring

What can be better than the taste of freshly picked, spring vegetables of asparagus, spinach, lettuce, and peas? Then there is my all time favorite of jelly beans and chocolate Easter eggs. Of course, a hard cooked, decorated Easter egg is delicious also. Finally, a childhood favorite taste of mine is the warm, sweet April showers caught on my tongue. Can you taste spring in the air?

I will record in my gratitude journal all the tastes of spring I am thankful for.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring's Awakening

I am grateful and hopeful for all that spring brings. I am especially grateful for the 5 senses of spring. The sights of spring start for me, when the purple, yellow and white crocus pop open. Accompanying the crocus are the buds on the bushes and trees, the yellow daffodils, and the forsythia in bloom. The lime colored new growth on the awakening deciduous trees is a beautiful sight. Then in the heart of spring, the rhododendrons, weeping cherries, plum, peach and dogwood trees fill the neighborhoods with glorious color. I love flowers and am getting carried away with all the flowering sights, but I also enjoy the sight of light jackets and short sleeved shirts, open windows and people driving top down in their convertibles. There are so many enjoyable sights of spring.

In my gratitude journal, I will awaken my spring longings by writing about the glorious sights of spring.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Stop Bugging Me

You know how it is. You've been telling a loved one to take out the garbage, fix the door, get their homework done or whatever. When I do that I feel like a nag. I don't like that feeling. Yes I wished my loved ones would respond immediately to my request, but that just isn't realistic. My requests and priorities may not be their priorities or maybe it just slips their mind. I need to find a way to let this stuff go and also to be intentional about not nagging.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Revisiting Touch

On February 21st of this year, I wrote about how powerful touch was between my dad and I. He has lost most of his hearing and he gets very frustrated not being able to hear us. I held his hand and rubbed his arm and I know he was as touched by this as I was. I've thought about that time with my dad a lot over the last month.

When I started dating my husband, the first thing I had to get used to was how his family loved to give hugs. This was very different from my family, but I found I loved it. I've also found that during this time of not feeling well because of the post concussion symptoms that hugs have been something I crave. It has brought me calmness and comfort.

I will be intentional with hugging my family and friends.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

No Day Like Today

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our friends 56th birthday. He finished treatment 6 months ago for esophageal cancer and is clean. He says it is a miracle to be with us. A few years back he had colon cancer. He and his family were upbeat and talked about how appreciative they were to all of us for being there for all of them. They spoke about how grateful they are for the return of his health. This man is one of those people that is thoughtful, generous, brillant and always there for the rest of us. We are appreciative that you are healthy and that you can remain so positive. I am blessed to have your friendship.

I will be wake up tomorrow and count my blessings and give thanks for the opportunity to enjoy another glorious day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Else Makes Me Happy?

I was shopping in Barnes and Noble last weekend and there was a display of Happiness books. There were 23 different titles! Are there so many of us out there that want to figure out how to have a happier life? Earlier in the week I wrote a list of what makes me happy. Now I am going to come up with a list of new untested ideas that I think will make me happy. I may even act on 1 or 2 of them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Up Doc

I just came back from many hours in the ER. I had a basketball hit me on the side of my head last week which caused me to have a concussion. Good news is that all the bad stuff has been ruled out: fracture, bleeding and stroke. What can I take away from this experience? The x-ray room was off a long and busy corridor. I was able to people watch, while sitting in a wheelchair, during the ½ hour I was waiting for my turn at the CAT Scan. Lots of people, hospital employees on their way home, are uncomfortable and would not make eye contact with me. Maybe they were being respectful, but I smiled at everyone that walked past me and I even got 1 or 2 smiles back. The CAT Scan technician said I had an incredible smile during the whole process and that whatever I was doing in my life, I should keep on doing. Thanks, I appreciate the compliment.

I also learned that my husband and I could stay positive during the whole experience. We went into this knowing we would be in the ER for several hours and made the best of our time. They gave us a comfortable room to wait in and we had all nice people helping me. Even though it was a long, tiring day, I met many kind people and got to hang out and talk to my husband for several hours.

My lesson is to remember that life is good and to make the most of every moment I have with my loved ones. Also, pleasantness and a sunny disposition is contagious and a lot more fun. Lastly, there are a lot of people who are really good in their careers and I need to thank them and compliment them profusely.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Grateful Speech

Since I started down this path of living a life of gratitude, I've heard many people speak about how grateful they are and how appreciative they are. Am I the only person around that wasn't using this beautiful gratitude language? Tomorrow I will listen to people for grateful speech. I hope to be pleasantly surprised with how many times I hear this speech come from a variety of people. This will also help me practice intentional listening.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm Amazing

Every time I pass a mirror, smile and remind myself that I am amazing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thank Me

Every time I pass a mirror tomorrow, smile and feel grateful that I am me!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

To Do Lists

I'm a list person. I love the feeling of accomplishment as I cross off another finished item on my list. When I make a to do list I fill it with easy to cross off items. This helps me feel successful and mentally gets me psyched to do the more difficult items on the list. The greatest thing I find with making my lists is that it helps me get organized. It also gets me to complete a lot more tasks than I ever accomplished before become a list maker.

Make a to do list of 5 items I will do tomorrow to work on living a life of gratitude. I'll make sure that at least 3 of the items are easy for me to do. Easy items for me might be to say hello or good morning to a lot of people, smile, or pay 3 people compliments. It will also include 1 or 2 things that have been more difficult for me to be successful at as I travel along my journey of grateful living.