Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Up Doc

I just came back from many hours in the ER. I had a basketball hit me on the side of my head last week which caused me to have a concussion. Good news is that all the bad stuff has been ruled out: fracture, bleeding and stroke. What can I take away from this experience? The x-ray room was off a long and busy corridor. I was able to people watch, while sitting in a wheelchair, during the ½ hour I was waiting for my turn at the CAT Scan. Lots of people, hospital employees on their way home, are uncomfortable and would not make eye contact with me. Maybe they were being respectful, but I smiled at everyone that walked past me and I even got 1 or 2 smiles back. The CAT Scan technician said I had an incredible smile during the whole process and that whatever I was doing in my life, I should keep on doing. Thanks, I appreciate the compliment.

I also learned that my husband and I could stay positive during the whole experience. We went into this knowing we would be in the ER for several hours and made the best of our time. They gave us a comfortable room to wait in and we had all nice people helping me. Even though it was a long, tiring day, I met many kind people and got to hang out and talk to my husband for several hours.

My lesson is to remember that life is good and to make the most of every moment I have with my loved ones. Also, pleasantness and a sunny disposition is contagious and a lot more fun. Lastly, there are a lot of people who are really good in their careers and I need to thank them and compliment them profusely.

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