Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random Act of Kindness

Perform a random act of kindness. My husband stopped on the side of the road to help someone change their flat tire. The person wanted to pay him and he said, “No thank you. Just do something nice for someone else.” It's the pay it forward concept. Think of something kind I can do for someone else today and act on it. Here are some thoughts: Open and hold the door for someone carrying bags. Offer to get an item off of a top shelf. Buy someone a cup of coffee, tea etc. Bring in my neighbors trash can. Make arrangements to bring a meal to a shut in. I've been the recipient of a random act of kindness from a stranger in the car in front of me paying my toll for me. That was so cool that I paid the toll for the car behind me.

Update: I gave flowers to someone I thought could use a pick me up.

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