Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Year Later

This is my 366th post which is a leap year of posts on living a life of gratitude. There are so many things I have learned about gracious living this past year. One is that I am very human. Every time I think I have a handle on being gracious and grateful for who I am and what I have in my life, I find myself getting sucked back into behavior I thought I had shed. I am going to go back and practice some of my previous grateful living activities, maybe come up with new insights, new ideas and activities to carry me further along on my journey to living a life of gratitude. I have grown tremendously this past year and I am a happier, more grateful person.

Here are activities that have been the most meaningful for me:
Intentionally smiling at people daily. Greeting people with Good Morning, How are You etc. daily. Waking up each morning and saying and naming at least 10 things I am grateful for. Flipping my negatives into positives. What I mean is looking at the positive even in negative situations. Paying at least 3 people compliments each day. Saying thank you when someone compliments me. Wearing rose colored glasses. Visualizing how I want my day to go. Loving and enjoying my family and telling them how much I love them and enjoy them. Forgiving and letting go. Listening to others use appreciative speech. Focus on the positive things people do for me. Living my life according to my values and goals. Being grateful for who I am and what I have.

Being grateful is coming more naturally to me and for that I am blessed.

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